Text Alerts are a great source for businesses and organizations to get emergency alerts out.
Just do a Google search for "Corona Virus Text Alerts:" or "COVID-19 Text Alerts " and you can see an array of Government Agencies with newly launched alert programs to instantly get information out to the public.
If you are a business, a school, or any organization, you may need to get emergency alerts out all year long. Let's talk about the current situation, specifically.
Employee/Staff/Parent/Student/Member/Citizen Alerts:
Alerts about openings, closings, best sanitation practices, work-from-home options, supply inventory, number of local cases, quarantine info, emergency locations and more to be determined.
Recent Example from a Teamsters Union:
"Please be aware that due to precautions related to the Corona Virus, the Belleville St. Patrick's day parade has been cancelled. We will be in touch"
Recent Example from a Restaurant Association:
"CO issues emergency paid sick leave rules for rest. employees w/ flu-like symptoms who are also receiving COVID-19 testing. Read more:"
Recent Example from a Retail Association:
"HUB >> Wondering how to manage the COVID-19 chaos in your biz? Live video & download here: https://tbhub.co/MIKUo stop2end, help4help"
Recent Example from a Chamber:
"COVID-19 Shoreline Chamber keeping our community safe. Letter http://su1.co/TKSBgc CT monitoring http://su1.co/Lt1Yag stop2end, help4help"
If you already have a text subscriber platform, you are ahead of the game and can already send out emergency text alerts. Some businesses are even using some gentle humor to help soften the severity and stress of the situation. We do understand you should be responsible about this but a little humor goes a long way.
Recent Example from Retail:
"Brandi here - Happy FriYAY! Corona Virus got you down? Shopping makes everything better, right? Stop by today and grab your fav's now -"
Recent Example from a Tavern:
"From this day forward, employees at The V Spot are to no longer show their gratitude with a french kiss to overly generous tippers. Handshakes must cease & desist as well. Now that we are not touching, let's party up! Steak Special & freebie awaits!
Recent Example from a Bakery and Deli:
"Prepare yourself! Green Bagels are back at Bagel Jay's Until March 17th while supplies last! Don't miss out!"
Recent Example from a DIY Boutique:
"Self-quarantined? Mrs. J wants you to #stayhomeandpaint! stop by our sanitized shop for 19% off your project supplies, through sat. 3/14. stop2end, help4help"
Recent Example from a Mexican Restaurant:
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