What Exactly is Text Marketing?
Welcome To Your Exclusive SenText Pricing:
"NRG members and friends, we are so excited to offer you this exclusive opportunity for premium pricing from Sentext. We believe that our members will benefit by using Sentext services to reach your audiences instantly with 100% spam free text marketing. Please complete the form below to get started with this exciting opportunity. "
Mike Weiner, CEO and Founder Network Referral Group
Business can send Mass Text Messages to their SenText Subscriber list and reach their entire list instantly.
- SMS: Text only with links
- MMS: Send Pics Links, emojis and more!
- 100% Permission Based - TCPA Compliant
You can send links, pics, emojis, or just a simple message!
99% of texts are read in minutes. There is no faster way for businesses to reach their customers.
Email (10%) and social (20%) just can't match the reach!
How It Works
Choose the package that works for you!
(MMS and Overages are not included with monthly platform fee)
$150 / month
includes 5000 messages$75 / month
includes 1000 messagesNo startup fee & first 3 months FREE!
Jay Barry
National Sales Manager
Most of Jay Barry's professional life has been invested in sales and sales management. After selling his first business, Jay worked his way up from selling cars to owning a car dealership. He left the car business after 20 years. He has owned four successful businesses and has been with SenText since September of 2015. Jay is committed to the success of both his business clients and the Agents with whom he partners.jbarry@sentextsolutions.com
mobile: 717-314-0628
sms: tap to text